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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

T-Minus 20 days Eeekkkz

Gahh! I can't believe I only have 20 freaking days left till I'm riding my happy ass up to Walt Disney World.

I haven't posted a new vlog/blog in 15 days and honestly it's because I'm lazy. I hope I'm able to shake it off when I'm up there. My last day working at the Disney Store is Aug. 7th. I'm going to miss that place alot. My Disney Store family is awesome and I'm probably going to miss them and my friends the most when I'm gone for the CP. I have to make sure to bake them cookies before I leave. I promised my manager her own set of cookies because one of the leads keeps eating them all (you know who you are)

That reminds me! To the people I'm going to be rooming with, I'm going to bake you guys some welcome cookies. I was stupid and thought I would bake them when I'm up there, but a friend already in the program said it's not a good idea since we'll get getting to the apartments really late and we won't want to do anything.

I'm going to be leaving Aug. 8th and spend the night at the Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort (link brings you to Bing Maps) That's the hotel that's across the street from Vista Way. My roommate Keri has never been the Downtown Disney so I'm going to show him around when we get there and then go to the Dinner at Pop Century. If you're arriving Aug. 9th and can make it, RSVP!


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